Heavy Duty Apex


For people who need more storage or even a work space, the Heavy Duty shed range will suit your every need. The buildings are very versatile with multiple window and door combinations and a huge range of optional extras that can be added to customise the building to suit your needs.

50 x 50 framing throughout, joinery made windows, heavy duty felt and roof trusses make this building substantial, it’s a high quality building built to last.

    Reset options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options

    Door and window options